Friday, August 24, 2007

Bond Movie Festival Website

With the partnership of Fevicol and James Bond, the bond mania is in full swing. You would be delighted to know that a dedicated website has been made by Star Gold channel for Bond Movie festival with loads of information and entertainment related to James Bond.

Please visit to and become a part of the Bond mania.

On this site you can learn more about James Bond and the trivia associated with him. You can also watch video clips of Bond movies and download wallpapers and screensavers.

Not only this, you can also play interesting games like "Bond with his babes" and "Absolute Match" and see where you stand compared to James Bond.

The site also contains details about various actors who have played the role of James Bond over the years. And of course the details of all the infamous girl friends of James Bond.

So what are you waiting for…connect to your internet and visit to immerse yourself in the James Bond mood. To give you company there would be the logos of ASLI BOND…FEVICOL all over the site!

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